Hi all!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I know I've been quiet with the post updates but sometimes life just gets busy and there is not much time for such things. Today it snowed. The first real snow of the season and I couldn't be happier! I'm looking forward to taking it easy and spending more time at home over the winter months working on personal projects and being crafty! We had a great Thanksgiving with friends and family and I'm looking forward to seeing more family over the holidays. Not to mention meeting my new niece or nephew (it's a going to be a surprise) in the next week or two! I started holiday shopping today and got some great gifts! Local and handmade rule! Oh and I also got earlier this week an early Christmas present....yes my very first iPhone! I've never had internets on my phone before! Watch out world! This hipstamatic feature on the iPhone is addicting. See self portrait. If all goes well with some projects I have planned be sure to see more posts more frequently regarding said secret projects....secret for now. Love, Littlest